Friday, September 18, 2009

Ready or I go!

Hello all!

I have been saying I was going to start a blog for a while now. The blog has been up for a while, I just haven't really known where to start. I have been trying to keep up with many of you through emailing, but I think this will be wonderful because it will be easier to share pictures and everything.

Where to start...

We have been in Kansas City for a little over 2 months now. I can't believe we are here. Every once in a while I look at Tim and say, "We live in Kansas City." I think I am still working on convincing myself that this is home. Our apartment is wonderful. I got to pick a couple of walls to be painted an accent color, and I love them. (I picked chocolate brown.) One of the walls is in the living room, and the other is in our bedroom. They make the apartment feel more homey. We have so much more closet space too which is wonderful! It's the little things in life.

At his White-Coat Ceremony
Tim is doing wonderful with medical school. He just finished his first 6-week section which was Foundations of Medicine. He did very well on his tests, and was above the class average. The section he is currently in is Musculoskeletal. He had his first day in the anatomy lab yesterday with cadavers...I got too much information when he got home. I guess that is be expected when you are married to a future Doctor. I'm so proud of him. He is working hard. Many hours are spent at his beloved Starbucks! :) Sometimes I will take a book and join him, but for some reason I just can't seem to make myself last as long as he does. We have started a tradition of going to Panera for breakfast every Saturday morning. He will study and I try and catch up on emails, read, or do my quiet time. It has been a fun way for him to study, but me to still get to be with him.

We are still on the church hunt and the job hunt. Thank you for all of the prayers! We are ready to get plugged in somewhere, but trying to be wise in making our decision. I am also still on the job hunt. I actually had an interview yesterday. I am anxious, but I also know that if this does not work out- God has something better for me. He laid this verse on my heart yesterday morning, and I want to share it with you.

Psalm 90:17

May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us;

establish the work of our hands for us--

yes, establish the work of our hands.

I felt like God was reminding me that no matter what my view is, He has the big picture in mind. He knows where I will work- and when. I just have to rest in that.

God has been good. I have struggled with being away from friends and family, but I have had some precious time with the Lord. I decided that while Tim was studying, I should try to do some studying of my own. I have been journaling and reading alot. I recently finished Beth Moore's Get Out of That Pit. It was something I needed to read. I love me some Beth Moore. She writes just like she is talking to you, and I love that. I recently started reading Lies Women Believe by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. I am not very far into it yet, but it is good so far. God is really using this slow time for me to encourage me and strengthen my faith. It is is a challenging but very sweet time!

Well, I guess that is enough for now. I'll post pictures of the apartment soon, and I'll let you know what I hear about my interview.

I love you all! Thank you for your love, prayers, and encouragement. :)

1 comment:

  1. i loved reading the update...missing y'all! love, nat :)
