Tuesday, September 22, 2009

We are getting a DOG!!

It is finally happening! We are actually getting a dog. I still can't believe it. Tim and I are really excited.

Her name is Kada. She is a 1 and 1/2 year old Husky mix. Some family friends had her, and couldn't keep her anymore so we are adopting her.

Isn't she beautiful?

We don't have her yet because she is in Little Rock. I think Kari, my sister, is going to use Kada as an excuse for a road-trip to Kansas City. Right now the plan is for them to come up not the first weekend in October (in 2 weeks). Kari has been precious, not only did she find Kada for us, but she is so sweet to drive her up to her new home.

It is neat how God has just worked the details out for this. Tim and I have really wanted to get a puppy for a long time now, but we weren't able to at our apartments in Arkansas. When we made the move up to Kansas City one of our criteria for apartments was that they had to allow big dogs. We have talked about getting a puppy ever since we moved in, but we didn't know when I was going to get a job. We didn't want to have just gotten a puppy and have to leave it at home all day while I was at work or Tim was in class.

Kada is an answer to prayer for us. Not only has a Husky been my dream dog since I was a little girl, but she has already been spayed and house-trained. She is great with little kids, which will be a blessing in the future. :) It just seems like the perfect answer to our situation. Thank you Lord! I just can't wait for her to come. Tim and I are currently discussing what color collar she should have. He doesn't want anything too girly so that when he takes her running he won't be embarrassed. ;)

We will have her soon, but this weekend my BEST friend Susan is coming up to see me! I can't wait for her to see our home and our new city.

I still haven't heard about the interview yet. The office manager did contact me yesterday and asked for my references, so I guess I am not out of the running yet. We are just praying for wisdom and direction.

Love you all!


  1. Kada is so beautiful! I am real excited for you guys...y'all will have lots of fun adventures. Heard about the wreck in susan's car- sorry that had to happen on y'alls fun weekend...i hope all the drama gets worked out. Also- where did you get a job? congrats! miss you!

  2. I just realized you found my blog so I wanted to stop by and say "hello"! I'm glad to hear you are settling down nicely in KC. Jo keeps me updated on how you guys are doing and I'm always glad to hear it. I hope you continue to settle into KC and find great ways to get plugged in.
